Free background checks; the elusive online service that is all over the internet. But does it really exist and is it really free? If you have ever wanted to do a search on someone and wondered if this is really true, then read on. You will be surprised at the answer regarding free background checks.
C’mon…Give me the Real Story!
I know what you’re asking; are free background checks really for real? Background checks are many times not as easy to do as some might think, and these kinds of background checks can sometimes prove to be nearly impossible.
But, there is an answer to at least giving this service a shot. After all, it is free.
What’s the Truth about Free Background Checks?
You might read that if you Google a name this way or use Yahoo to get background checks and if it is done on a full moon as you stand on your head, you’ll get some good results. Sorry. But with all the hype about free background checks it makes me want to pause for a chuckle.
You see, there are ways on the internet, especially on the Google search engine, that you can get some types of information. Try doing this; type the person’s full name inside the browser window of Google then hit enter. You should get thousands, perhaps even millions of names. If there is nothing on the first couple of pages, don’t continue; now go to page 40 or 50. Sometimes that’s where information will be hiding.
Also, if you know where the person works, that helps a lot. Add any other information that you might know; phone number, social security number, etc. Then get more specific about what you are looking for; add the word ‘criminal’ after the name; or ‘sex offender.’ Whatever you are searching for in doing free background checks, add after the person’s name.
You still didn’t get anything? Read on!
How Do I Get Any Accurate Information?
Today, investigators, the Federal Government and some online companies that do background checks have access to databases that will get you the information that you are searching for. What a private investigator did for you years ago; an endorsed, legitimate online private investigation company can do for you in a matter of minutes today.
Do background checks on the companies who claim they do background checks! Look for online reviews of the company as well as if they have any outstanding claims from the better business bureau. There are companies online that are legitimate and will get you the information that you need. Find out who gives the best and most accurate background checks available. Legitimate companies will deliver much of the following information:
• Court Records
• Criminal Records
• Marriage Records
• Credit Records
• Driving Records
• Employment Verification
• Employment History
• Divorce Records
• Warrants
Free background checks are out there. They will do a search for you for nothing, but if you want the results of that check, you will have to pay. They really don’t exist. They all operate the same way. But since the fee is usually small enough, it’s still worth finding the information that you need if it might mean keeping your family and business safe.
great information about background checks
I agree with you backgroundcheck will provide a 99% percent accurate result with regards to a paricular a person. By the way I like your post. Thank you!
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